Our costs vary depending on the length, content, language, and timeframe associated with each individual project.
Our translators all have significant experience in academic and professional settings working in both English and the languages which they translate. Many of our translators are also language faculty members at Michigan State University.
While the specific requirements differ among governments and government agencies, our translations are certified by credible and academically accomplished individuals.
Our translators are able to handle a wide variety of professional tasks related to translation, the content nature of which and the difficulty of translating it will be reflected in the final pricing for the translation.
Regionally specific translation and localization service availability varies by language and region. If you are interested in specific regional vocabulary, please include this information with your request. Some languages and regional variants are limited due to the number of translators currently on our staff. We may also need additional information regarding target audiences for specific translations.
Using third-party translation services and interpreters has been shown to relieve familial stress, provide more clear communication, and reduce parent-child conflict when compared to situations where familial language brokering is used in its stead (Hua, Costigan 2012). Professional services show clients their patronage is valued and is required by law in many contexts.
We ask that any materials that are already available in the language of interpretation be provided prior to the date of assignment. This allows our interpreters to prepare with the specific wording that individuals will see on your documents or in future conversations. This permits greater consistency for both the interpreters and those for whom they interpret.